Diesel Exchange Incorporated

About DEI

Why DEI?


Because of our expanding global market, we are currently looking for partnerships worldwide.  Whether you are an engine manufacturer or a major diesel engine user, you can benefit by partnering with Diesel Exchange.  We have the capacity to remanufacture engines for you in any quantity.

Diesel Exchange can provide a partnership with companies of any size.

For the smaller engine manufacturers, DEI can provide support for a full line of remanufactured engines. You can now offer your customers Diesel Exchange’s full product line and guarantee the highest standard of quality.

For major engine manufacturers, we can provide surge capacity and low-volume product line remanufacturing.

Over 85% of our business comes from repeat customers.

1-800-343-7355 • 3811 E. Kearney • Springfield, MO • ©Diesel Exchange Incorporated 2024